Friday, August 7, 2015

🦥 Rondonia Paleo-burrows - Brazil Video & Update

IN THIS VIDEO The Geologist Amilcar Adamy shows the interior of the place he calls "The mysterious cave.

The man who accompanies him in the video - identified only as Aristeu - is the owner of the land where the giant burrows were discovered.

The tunnels were known for some time but only this year (2015) the nature of the structure has been studied enough to confirm its origin and nature: these tunnels and caves were made by the claws of huge sloths - the Megatheriums - in Pleistocene, period when the planet was inhabited by a megafauna - giant animals.

The Megatherium, extinct about 10,000 years ago, could reach up to 6 meters high weighing about 1.5 tons.

The alternative to explain the regular configuration of the caves - is also arcana. If were not Megatheriums, the galleries may have been dug by giant armadillos. 
(Transcription of the audio-video bellow)

BRAZIL. AMAZON REGION. RONDONIA state. A team from the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais led by geologist Amilcar Adamy, found - at the region of Ponta do Abunã , the first paleo-burrow located at Brazilian Amazon region.


Amilcar Adami, in the video:

'We are inside the mysterious cave, in the property of our friend, Aristeu. This cave already is known for some time. Since 2008, at least we know about its existence.

In 2010, we've been here and caught our attention the circular shape of the tunnels, indicating that  they don't result from a natural process.

This research went being developed for four years. Now, in July - 2015, we came here again - already with an established idea about the origin of these formations.

So, this cave, now we know it's a paleo-burrow,  developed, elaborated by extinct animals that could be giant armadillos or giant sloths.

By the shape and the dimensions of the place we believe it was excavated by giant slóths that could reach a ton and a half and up to six miders high.

These sloths become extinct there about ten thousand years. Is not known the cause of this extinction. Maybe climate change, changes in vegetation, but it is not a sure.

The discovery is important for the study of peleo-climate and peleo-fauna that inhabited this whole region.

In Madeira riverbed we met fossils of pre-ristoric animals, including sloths. We were searching to know where they lived and now we know that here, in this cave - they found their natural shelter.  


Pesquisadores descobrem túnel feito por animais extintos na região amazônica
NOITE SINISTRA YouTube CH Published on Aug 7, 2015 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Weird Russia: The bowed trees of Sosnovsky village

RUSSIA. Chelyabinsk Oblast. In Sosnovsky district, an area nearby forest of the village of Sadovym, for some unknown reason - appeared completely bowed, curved

Many trees seem that have were plucked by the roots and their trunks were arranged horizontally. Some, which remain rooted although they have been affected, are still alive and keeping their growth cycles.

Photo & Video Yury Zavyalov
Фото и видео Юрия Завьялова 

The anomaly in the woods reaches an area that reaches 150 m² (m-saquare) and its perimeter is rectangular.  

Pines with 10 to 15 years, vines, poplars, alder bushes (Glutinous Alnus), all this vegetation was bent even the ground without apparent cause. The forest surrounding the area remains untouched.

The phenomenon was discovered by a local historian, Yuri Zavyalov. In research about the cause of the strange formation, Zavyalov and other scholars have dismissed assumptions as extreme weather phenomena, such as a sudden pressure drop, exposure to strong winds well as the fall of some celestial body, incidence of lightning or human interference.

This specific part of the forest seems to have been hit by some kind of limited energetic power. So far (July 2015), the anomalous glade is an enigma. More one unexplained phenomenon  in the history of riddles of Chelyabinsk region.

Странный вывал деревьев под посёлком Садовым обнаружил местный краевед
(Anomaly: trees bowed found by local historian in a grove near a village of Soronovisk)
Fenómeno misterioso produjo un claro en un bosque ruso  